Path to Apotheosis

A 2024 adventure collection for Scion, by Onyx Path Publishing
Hiromi’s Roles: Co-Developer, Creative Lead
System: Storypath

A Collection of Scion: Demigod Scenarios

Scion: Demigod opened the door to a new level of power and peril for Scions — a Path to Apotheosis.

Path to Apotheosis is a trio of scenarios for Demigod-level Scions to explore on their road to Godhood. Storyguides can use them as one-off adventures or as the beginning, middle, and end of a Demigod chronicle. 

  • Threads of Fate, Winds of Death takes new Demigods to the plagued town of Amber Falls.
  • When The World Bares Her Teeth charges Scions with discovering what really happened to missing Scions.
  • Devour the Sun challenges Demigods on the cusp of Apotheosis with finding or avenging the Sun.
  • Over a dozen characters and antagonists to flesh out the World.